
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Our FAScinating Journey

Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of Prenatal Brain Injury (3rd Edition)

by Jodee Kulp

Special thank you to the following people who have contributed their knowledge and lives to living, loving and laughing alongside people with FASD

Toni Hager NDS, Teresa Kellerman, Deb Evensen, Liz Kulp, Jan Lutke, Kari Fletcher, Cathy Bruer Thompson, Susan Rose, Victoria Deasy 

Our FAScinating Journey will introduce readers to another winding path in working with prenatally exposed children. Jodee illuminates this path with lights that shine the hope of possibilities for these special kids. On your journey through these pages you will: * Discover creative approaches in reaching and loving children with attachment issues. * Understand how alcohol affects the growing brains of children. * Become familiar with brain terminology. * Uncover ideas to help a child nutritionally. * Wade through school and behavior issues with tears, laughter and strategies you may not have tried. * Meet professionals who have helped the Kulp family help Liz grow. * Loose yourself in a myriad of ideas within the appendix. * Smile as you get to know Liz, a very real teen who is determined to be the best she can be inspite of FASD. Our FAScinating Journey: The Best We Can Be, Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of Prenatal Brain Injury is written for families, professionals and the community. It's goal is to open the door to possibilities for our citizens who have sustained brain injury due to toxins in the womb. While this is Liz Kulp's story, our hope is to open doors for you and your child. We want to help your family become strong and united rather the divided and fall. We want to provide your child "a chance to grow!"

What's new in this 3rd Edition
  • Updated research, websites and references 
  • Liz has added eight of her twelve Braided Cord Strategies 
  • New selections from Kari Fletcher, Victoria Deasy, Diane Black, Deb Evensen, Jan Lutke
  • S.M.A.R.T. Early Childhood executive summary report.