
Friday, August 31, 2012

#9 Days To FASDay - Speak Out on Fetal Alcohol

Prepare to give a speech -

This is the first time Liz and I stepped out years ago at the 1st International FASDay -

You can do it too!

Here is my speech - feel free to use mine and adapt to your community.

Today is a day… International FAS Awareness Day -- 9.9.99 @ 9:09
Jodee Kulp, Parent Keynote, Federal Courthouse Plaza, 12:30 pm -- Minneapolis, Minnesota

Thank you for being part of International FAS Awareness Day 9 9 99.
The Bells have rung out in Minnesota and are continuing their journey around the globe. We were the 18th time zone in the International Bell Concordance and didn't they sound beautiful! Thank you to the citizens of Minnesota and all those involved with prenatal exposure for the mighty effort they put out to make this day happen.

It is my privilege to speak on behalf of all the parents who love and live with children exposed to alcohol before birth. It is my privilege to speak for those who live daily with the primary and secondary issues erupting from this exposure.

Today is a day of awareness.
We have stripped back the dark covering and let the sun shine in. We have come together as a world family, united in the cause of making a difference and hope this first "One Magic Moment" will begin to change lives.

Today is a day of awareness.
Alcohol is devastating, and most devastating to the weakest and most vulnerable in our society -- the unborn child. Alcohol exposure is the leading known cause of mental retardation in the western world - US, Canada, Europe and Australia.

In the United States 10,657 babies are born daily (1999 US numbers are listed below)
  • . . . 3 will have Muscular Dystrophy
  • . . . 4 will have Cystic Fibrosis
  • . . . 4 will have Spina Bifida
  • . . . 4 will be infected with HIV
  • . . . 10 of these babies will have Downs Syndrome.
Researcher and fund-raisers are working for these children.

But -- are you ready for the figures --
  • . . . 20 babies will be born with FAS
  • . . . these children will have visible facial and other physical deformities
  • . . . they are the lucky ones
People will see with the eyes, understand and help will be provided. These physical manifestations are not caused by MORE drinking but simply because of the day in gestation the pregnant mother chose to drink.

Today is a day of awareness.
NOW -- are you really ready for the tough issue
  • . . . 100 babies will be born with Fetal Alcohol Effects
  • . . . these children's deformities will be hidden within their bodies, in their brains and organs.
  • Most will go undiagnosed.
  • Most will live a life with little help with behaviors misjudged and struggling with learning and emotional issues.

Today is a day of knowledge.
Brain damage is non-reversible and a permanent condition that an individual must live with for the rest of their life. The person with prenatal alcohol exposure does not have the choice of NOT being impaired, yet has the responsibility of learning to live and to fit into a society that neither tolerates nor understands their impulsive behaviors.

Today is a day of knowledge.
Any one of us could become the parent of a prenatally exposed infant. FAS is no respector of persons or culture. It crosses economic and racial lines. The results of a very recent survey of over 100,000 women discovered that women in households of greater than $50,000 income, women who are college educated, unmarried women and female students have a higher than average incidence of drinking during pregnancy. I ask that no fingers be pointed at any person for this affliction. I ask for forgiveness from the past. I ask for a resolution of personal responsibility from this day forward for even one child to be saved.

Today is a day of knowledge.
A can of beer, a glass of wine, a shot of liquor and a wine cooler all contain about 1/2 oz. of absolute alcohol. If a woman consumes 2 drinks in one hour, her baby could have a blood alcohol content higher than the mother could. FAS is 100% preventable. If a woman becomes pregnant, she shouldn't drink. It's that simple. There is no known safe amount of alcohol for a pregnant woman. When a woman drinks, her baby drinks, because alcohol passes directly through the placenta to the baby.

Today is a day of hope.
When we join together we can achieve a better tomorrow. The knowledge each of us holds can provide the tiny pieces of a large puzzle to help contribute to the success and happiness of those afflicted. Together we can provide knowledge, wisdom, support and encouragement to women who are planning to conceive, pregnant or breastfeeding a child. This we can all do with love.

Today is a day of hope.
Solutions require us to work together. Doctors, researchers and nutritionists around the world can share their discoveries and treatments that are already making a difference. Mental health professionals, educators and parents can join as a team to reach, teach and train these young people, sharing ideas from around the globe.

Today is a day of hope.
We must open our eyes and our ears. We must shift our focus and understand the inner world of living with prenatal exposure. We must begin to see these children differently, and begin to build the bridge of understanding. Diane Malbin a tireless advocate provides the clues by changing from:
  • "Won't to can't"
  • "Bad to frustrated"
  • "Lazy to tries hard"
  • "Refuses to sit still to overstimulated"
  • '"Fussy and demanding to oversensitive"
  • "Trying to make me mad to can't remember"
  • "Resisting to doesn't get it"
  • "Doesn’t try to tired of failing."
  • "Doesn't get the obvious to needs many reteachings."
Yes it is hard to be the parent of an FAS child.
Yes it is hard to be the teacher of an FAS child.
But have you tried to be the FAS child!

Our adopted daughter Liz exhibits Fetal Alcohol Effects. Our family has grown deeply because of it. The primary issues of hypersensitivity, overstimulation, night terrors and learning disabilities have challenged us.
We have struggled with impulsivity, low self-esteem, anger and frustration.
We are determined to prevent the secondary issues from occurring - violence, suicide, alcohol abuse, poverty, homelessness, delinquency, incarceration, and early pregnancy.
We have discovered that proper nutrition, added nutrients and sleep make an incredible difference and allow Liz to function very well.
We have discovered she is happiest when provided clear boundaries and concrete communication.
We have discovered her learning styles and teach everything in multiple modalities….see it, hear it, do it. With a strong emphasis on doing it.

I am proud Liz is my daughter and she is doing wonderfully. This growth did not come easily for her. She is a fighter and has climbed many mountains. In a quiet one-on-one teaching arrangement she has been able to gain 5 years in reading, 7 years in spelling and is currently at age level in mathematics. Learning any new material has been very difficult for her. We have been building one very tiny step at a time, without moving on until mastery has taken place and then often reteaching areas a number of times.
Though her brain still works compartmentally we are beginning to see transfer of some information and together we are learning how to teach and how to learn. She and I are on the same team. By "compartmentally" I mean, for example, that when are doing spelling she can spell at the 9th grade level and when we are learning to write she can spell at the 6th grade level. The transfer of information is very difficult for her.
Two weeks ago, my daughter Liz and I bought a peck of cucumbers to make into pickles. Our science classes are very hands on and we were going to study sterilization and Louis Pasteur. We washed and carefully brushed each cucumber so they were perfectly clean - they were beautiful. Then we soaked the cucumbers overnight in a 5% salt solution. In the morning the cucumbers looked the same, but no longer tasted the same. We cut up garlic and dill and red peppers, and boiled vinegar, salt and water with pickling spices. We packed sterilized jars tightly with our beautiful bright green cucumbers and poured on the brine. Then we sealed the jars and boiled them 20 minutes in a hot water bath. When we lifted the jars out of the water a dull green pickle had replaced the bright green cucumbers…
And I thought THIS IS WHAT we have done to these children.
Today is a day of advancement. Growing up with FAS is a community process and it takes a united community to raise these children. It took one dream and two people to create the vision for today -- Bonnie Buxton and Teressa Kellerman.
They believed:
'The oscillation of butterfly wings in Brazil may set off storms in Texas.'
And what a storm they set off. They mobilized and motivated individuals from around the globe. From New Zealand to Alaska people have united. The Internet has connected a previously silent world of creative, intelligent and hardworking individuals willing to lay down differences for a common cause of helping children and adults living with FAS
Where do we go from here?…
These children are teachable, lovable, creative and energetic but they do not learn like other children. They need to be taught things other children just seem to simply know. We need to discover the resources already available and we have powerful resources in our backyards -- birth parents, adoptive parents and foster parents who are living, loving and growing together 24 hours a day with prenatal exposure. These families have been creative in developing processes that work to help their children succeed and find happiness in a world they struggle in.
I challenge each of you to make a difference.

  • Tell people this is an important issue.
  • Join with NOFAS and share ideas and information.
  • Visit our website at
  • Email your successful ideas to us. We will publish them.
  • Encourage women to remain alcohol and drug free during pregnancy.
  • Write to your congressman, senators, schools, community leaders and medical professionals and let them know "We're Tired of Our Children Being Pickled."

Today is the day to make a difference.
My words on this 1st hopefully of many future International FASDays are dedicated to my wonderful Liz. May we begin this difference in changing this world for others together.

Speak Out in Your Community and open the minds of others to Help Raise the Standard to Build Better Baby Brains

Join the International Virtual Million Mind March

If we want to create an "REAL" Economic Stimulus Package - now is the time to begin promoting "Building Better Baby Brains" by Raising the Standard for the Future - Alcohol and Babies don't mix and add to the future cost of education, medical, community and judicial services.
  • Join our virtual Million Mind March to give One Million Babies in the next year the opportunity to develop healthy minds
Participate in a Local Radio Show and Get Your Events Talked About
Call your local radio show and see if you can get on a program to talk about FASD during the next 60 days. You may just open up some minds and save a few baby brain cells.
Step out, speak out, get out and make some friendly noise to build awareness of FASD - fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
Tomorrow I will share the first speech I fearfully spoke on 09.09.99 at the 1st Annual FASDay - sadly the same message still needs to be heard.
Enjoy coming up with GREAT ideas - we'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

#10 Days To FASDay - Pass on a fall read

Pass on a fall read to a friend 

you'd like to learn more about 

fetal alcohol... 

Here are a couple curl up to read novels... reviews are appreciated by all authors

Click link above to read more or order books from Amazon


The Whitest Wall by Jodee Kulp 

The Whitest Wall, a debut novel by Jodee Kulp is the winner of 2009 Best Adult Fiction and 2009 Best Young Adult Fiction by The Mom's Choice Awards Foundation and a finalist for Book of the Year, Multicultural Fiction. The Whitest Wall has meets high school curriculum standards.

Jodee Kulp has created a new third person Catcher in the Rye
Kulp captures the chaotic turmoil of culturally-muddled miscommunication and FAS brain fog of lost-boy Kevin, a 21-year-old going-on-ten jailed for murder, seemingly by his own matter-of-fact confession. The Whitest Wall is a worthy read, a trip into a novel world, written with entertainment quality as vivid as a screenplay with a multitude of metaphors for interpretation and meaning. This tantalizing tale should engage youthful readers and provoke discussion among those of high-school age and older. Caulfield, move over, there is much more to tell!
— Dr. Lyelle Palmer

  • "What you don't know won't hurt you is a lie... Fiction, as C.S. Lewis would say, adds to reality, not just describes it. It enriches daily life and irrigates the deserts of our lives. Jodee Kulp is so adept at casting the players in The Whitest Wall and so passionate a story teller you will look at your neighbor through different eyes than ever before."
    — Mac McConnell, author, "Forever Changed", "Bozra""

    An inside view of FASD I am overcome with the manner in which Jodee was able to thread together racism, poverty, abuse, fetal alcohol, depression, and post traumatic stress disorder with smoothness that did not confuse the reader."
    — Ruth A. Rice, FASD Program Director, White Earth

    "This is a must read book for everyone as it's a topic that has been in the closet for too long. Jodee's book will open everyone's eyes that FASD is a very serious issue that we all need to become better educated about as well as develop services for those impacted by it. I can't wait for Book 2."
    — Glenys DiLissio Executive Director,
The high school version of The Whitest Wall just came to my office by UPS. A Gold Award winning novel by Mom's Choice it meets high school curriculum standards in the following areas while building awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disoroders. Consider it for the high schools in your areas. Email if you are interested in getting this novel into your high school curriculum.
The Whitest Wall


  1. The Whitest Wall promotes an understanding of the diversity of the American English language in both a current and historic sense with the use of patterns and dialect.

  2. The reader will cross cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions and social roles to acquire new information for a better response to the needs and demands of society and the workplace.

  3. The reader will draw on personal experience to reflect on the understanding of the other citizens. They will be challenged by portions of the texts with word meanings and misunderstandings. 


  1. Written for the development of a democratic citizenry to enable learners to engage in civic discourse and problem-solving, and to take informed civic action.

  2. The Whitest Wall can provide classroom discourse in the seven of ten theme areas:
    i) Culture
    ii) Time, continuity and change
    iii) People, places and environments
    iv) Individual development and identity
    v) Individuals, groups and institutions
    vi) Power, authority and governance
    vii) Global connections
    viii) Civic ideals and practice 


  1. Students analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health.

  2. Students demonstrate understanding of health-enhancing behaviors, reduce health risks, use decision-making skills to enhance health and advocate for personal, family and community health.

  3. The Whitest Wall provides for opens discussion in content areas addressed by the US Center of Disease Control
    i) behaviors that result in intentional or unintentional injury
    ii) alcohol and other drug use
    iii) sexual behaviors
    iv) prevention of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

#11 Days To FASDay - Tie Some Knots

Let's Knot to be Silent

By Bonnie Buxton,
author Damaged Angels
co-founder International FASDay
Re-printed from December ICEBERG 2008

In January of 1999, while digging out from a Toronto snowstorm, my husband Brian Philcox and I realized that September 9, 1999 (9-9-99), would present an opportunity to inform the world that during the nine months of pregnancy, alcohol is dangerous to the baby.

Within 24 hours, Teresa Kellerman of Tucson, Arizona, had contributed her creativity and Internet genius by encouraging volunteers in seven countries and 11 time zones to participate in the first International FAS Awareness Day.

Because every ribbon colour had been taken by other causes, Brian and I spent several hours developing the FASKnot symbol in honor of the first book about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Michael Dorris’s "The Broken Cord."

Ten years later, the events continue and now we challenge FASD advocates to take advantage of 2009 to build awareness all year long, particularly on 09-09-09. This year in Canada, FASDay events included a major conference, some candlelight vigils, “mocktail” competitions, breakfasts, luncheons, a play, and one brave woman with ARND speaking out for the first time to a group of university students. Many of these events brought media attention to FASD, building awareness in the community.

Join the movement to Build Better Baby Brains Let's Raise the Standard


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#12 Days To FASDay - Get Some FASD Grab and Go Materials

FASD Center of Excellence offers FREE Materials

You can learn about FASD and share information with others through our "Grab and Go" feature.


You'll find camera-ready documents that you can download for reference or copy and distribute at PTA meetings, health fairs, doctors' offices, and other settings.

All documents are in the public domain and can be adapted as needed, such as adding your organization's phone number.

Monday, August 27, 2012

#13 Days To FASDay - $3 Coupon - Listen to persons with FASD

Braided Cord - Tough Times In and Out

by Liz Kulp

A story you won’t forget. Visit her website
Liz Kulp, winner of Gold Mom’s Choice - Life Challenged 2011 and Outstanding Young Contributor in 2009 for The Best I Can Be Living with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Effects offers readers a rare
“new” opportunity of understanding adult transition with FASD.

There is always a feeling of awe when you are handed the first copy of your book. I loved the look in Liz's eyes when she held her new project. (click to order learn more)

Liz was diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) as a young teen. Knowing her challenges and understanding her strengths helped her graduate from public high school and strive to move on to independent adulthood like her peers. But, she soon learned that life within the context of a family that understood and helped her gain the desire for independence had not prepared her to live in a world filled with predators and abstract thinking. Liz unashamedly lets readers inside the hidden world of adult transition for many of our young people with FASD.

“Stunning. Absolutely stunning.”
– Deb Evensen, FASD Behavior Specialist, FASAlaska

“Wow Liz this is one fantastic book. I can't tell you how impressed I am. This is a best seller.”
– Renae Sanford, FASD Educator and Family Support Person

“After reading Braided Cord Tough Times In and Out I wanted to shout out to all social workers, adoption workers, foster parents, and adoptive parents ‘You have to read this book!’”
– Ruth A. Rice, Mental Health Practioner, Birth Mom, Adoptive Mom

“Heart wrenching, yet inspiring! There is so much that Liz Kulp can teach about FASD because she has lived it. From her lowest lows to her highest highs, we need to listen to her song.”
– Victoria Deasey, M.S.Ed, Cert AVT, CED, Teacher/Therapist/Parent Coach/Consultant

“Once again, Liz and Jodee have handed us exactly the book we've been waiting for. Braided Cord is an unfinished story of resiliency, courage and love. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life as it continues to unfold. Your honesty is a light for the rest of us.”
– Laura Nagle, Bluegrass Prevention Center

Speaking, workshops or wholesale books contact: or
$3.00 Gift from Kulp Family for each book orders additional quantities please contact us:

Direct links provided for discount - Just add coupon code JZLZLVT2 to order - you can simply click special link for each book provided below. Any reviews or comments on our books are appreciated. Happy September 9 - for larger quantity please message me and I can get you a deal.

NEW! 3rd Revision Our FAScinating Journey -Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of Prenatal Brain Injury - (2012)

The Whitest Wall (2012) - A Mystery novel

Braided Cord (2010) - Liz's adult transition with FASD

Sunday, August 26, 2012

#14 Days To FASDay - Plan a Pregnant Pause!

Host a Pregnant Pause... in your community... at your school... at your government center... get some attentions

How many Pregnant Pauses can we host around the world....

Need some t-shirts to sport a look....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

#15 Days To FASDay - Take a Stand for Persons Living with FASD

09.09 Reason to Take a Stand to
Build Better Baby Brains

On the ninth minute of the ninth hour of the ninth day of the ninth month, we ask the world to remember that during the nine months of pregnancy, alcohol can be very dangerous to the baby. We also ask the world to remember the millions of people worldwide who will struggle lifelong with intellectual disabilities caused by prenatal alcohol.

What the members of FASworld want:

We want to make the world aware that no amount of alcohol in pregnancy is safe for the baby.
We want to make the world aware of the millions of people internationally who can never live normally, because their brains - and often their bodies - have been damaged by alcohol before they were born.

We want our governments to invest in information programs; rehabilitation facilities for women with alcohol addiction problems, and their families; adequate diagnostic facilities, special education, and other support for individuals with FAS, and their families.

Volunteers from around the world work together year-round to build awareness. Each year, on September 9, we observe International FAS Awareness Day (FASDay) with its "Minute of Reflection" at 9:09 a.m.

Each year our memberships grows and we are represented by volunteers in Canada, the U.S., England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Germany, France, Poland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay, Bermuda and Costa Rica participated and new communities join in every year -- be sure to let us know when your community holds a FASDay event.

Friday, August 24, 2012

#16 Days To FASDay - Trail of Tears - History of FASD

A Trail of Tears
The History of FASD

Peggy Oba, takes us on a trail of the tears of Fetal Alcohol from ancient times to the present.
If you are interested click here

You will see there is nothing new FASDs have been among us since alcohol.

Are we ready to remain sober for our future children?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

#17 Days To FASDay - Cheers to all babies

Cheers to all the babies.
May they grow healthy and warm in their special places.

Tonight our family will celebrate a new tradition.

We are baking a large pretzel bread for break-fast tomorrow, the knot in the bread will be a square knot - the bread braided and we'll be lighting candles in remembrance of all the persons in the world with Fetal Alcohol brain damage while we say a prayer of protection from the alcohol. Our family enjoys this tradition on New Years.

This may be a way we could all celebrate the eve of 9/9

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

#18 Days To FASDay - Two minute talk

Get a local or national interview - give it a try!
Give a Two Minute Talk
Here's Teresa Kellerman's for 09.09.09

Teresa's Two Minute Talk
(I was asked to share my personal story of raising a child with FAS, and I was limited to just two minutes!)

Hello, I am John’s Mom.

That’s how I am known across the US and around the world. You see, John is famous. Not because he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, but because he allows his story to be told around the world, in order to raise awareness about Fetal Alcohol Disorders.

Thirty years ago, a baby was born to an alcoholic mother who did not have the gift of recovery. The baby suffered with birth defects and brain damage. The mother died.The baby came to me as a special needs foster child, one of many I cared for over the years. This baby soon became my own through adoption.

As an infant, John cried all the time, and could not be consoled. He didn’t want to be touched or cuddled, as if he rejected all love. But by the time he was two, he was a happy little guy - hyper, but happy.

Over the years, he has struggled with developmental delays and learning disorders. He had a heart defect that required open-heart surgery. This was traumatic for him and for me. But it was nothing compared to the day-to-day struggle he has with not being able to control his behavior.

John inherited alcoholism from his birth parents. To help him survive addiction, we maintain a drug free home, with no access to alcohol or other dangerous drugs.

John also needs help to survive his Fetal Alcohol disorder. His brain damage causes him to forget rules, to be impulsive, and to have poor judgment. So John requires close supervision at all times. This is has not been easy for me, and it is certainly not easy for John. But with understanding and acceptance, he trusts me to help him stay safe and healthy and happy

I am proud of John, and I am blessed to be his mother. And we are both blessed to be surrounded by loving friends here in Tucson and around the world through the Internet.

We are grateful for the support of the Division of Developmental Disabilities and are happy to share that support with other families through the Fetal Alcohol Resource Center.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#19 Days To FASDay - Toolbox Parent Support

Visit Toolbox Parent for support and ideas

Need quick ideas to help with a complex child. Stop by and visit an informative site to bridge understanding, make connections with families of high risk and special needs individuals and professionals. Deb Fjeld, Minnesota Post-Adoption Parent Liason and Jodee Kulp invite you to visit our new site designed to build collaborative efforts between caregivers and professionals.
What is a Toolbox Parent?

A toolbox parent is a parent who is willing to reach out and discover new ideas and strategies to work with a difficult child. If you are struggling with behaviors in your home, we hope that you can find something here to help you.

We need power tools - consider joining our team!
Power Tools: Regionally, meet our Power Professionals. This section represents some of the best professional minds in the business of “kids”. Learn about their specialties. If you are a professional skilled in working with REALLY complicated children with neurodiversity issues please contact Jodee or Deb

Monday, August 20, 2012

#20 Days To FASDay - Listen to persons with FASD

One of Many Voices 

for Fetal Alcohol Awareness Day

Note from jodee: I have removed L.'s name and country and added word changes in (--).
Please understand that this woman with fetal alcohol is writing in English, speaks
the language of the country she lives in and was born in another country with another
language - Well done L. You are a beautiful person. Keep safe.

Dear Jodee and Liz

I am 31 years old...I have FAS

I have pay (bought) Liz and your book,
the best i can be...i have been,
is comfusing very often,
and think bad things about myself...
but when i read the book i cried..
becuse i'm felt not alone anymore...
I'm catholic and is very comfusing their sometimes..
no one can see that i have FAS and
is hard to lived up to the church..
i always failed..
everybody failed,
but i'm never learnd,
and i'm feel bad..

but when i read your and Liz book,
and about your trust in God
i'm now feeling calm...
but i cry and cry..

I'm single mother to a boy who is 5
and get help from the socity in my country
...clean help,
and with paper...
but i wish more's very difficult

...i pray for God's protection and
that he chow me to be a good mother...
hope you understand my english.

God bless you and your family.
Love from L. in Europe

Dear L.
Your English is beautiful and
very very good I am happy with your English.
To speak three languages and write to me
is very very wonderful.

Lord I pray for L. -
you know she is a good woman
and person and kind and loving.
Lord I ask for you to help her
and let her know she is not alone,
that many men and women have FAS and
many live good lives
She is living a good life
being the best she can be.
Father be with her and
help her learn good things
to grow in your love.

Jodee and Liz
L. may I share your email with other families?
Or may I add to my website -
I think your words are wonderful!

Dear Jodee and Liz,
thanks for caring and answer
Thanks for your beutiful prayer...
yes you can add it on your website,
but please not wright where i'm from...

My FAS is many fysical disorder
like haert deffects, and i have problem
with member (memory) in daily life,
when i cooks food,
and sometimes i'm not see cars come in my way...
and problem with anger, and self defence..
but i tried gfcd ( wtithout gluten and casein milk)
and now i don't cut my self,
sometimes i have bite my self in anger,
but your book gave me hope,

It learned me to try to pray insted,
or chows bite paper insted...
my son gives me so mutch and i love him,
so i need to focus him..

the daily life is hard to focus and
it's so mutch planning...
but God leads me,
even i'm bad sometimes...
One time in week i,m riding.
It's good for me too

Love and pray, L.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

#21 Days To FASDay - Wisdom of Hopi Elders

"We are the ones we've been waiting for..."

is a phrase that reflects the fact that we can
count on only ourselves for leadership.
See The Great River message 
from the Hopi Elders that follows.

The Great River

We have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
And there are things to be considered.

Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in the right relation?
Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your truth:
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader:
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off into the river, keep our eyes open, and our head above the water.
See who is in there and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner... and in celebration.
We are the ones we've been waiting for...

The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona

Saturday, August 18, 2012

#22 Days To FASDay - What One Person Can Do?

What can Only One person do?

From Deb Fjeld - a mom of four children with multiple complex issues and webweaver of

I was feeling frustrated the other day when I was listening to myself complain about the recent funding cuts going through our state. I realized that I have become so obsessed with trying to find grant moneys for programs that I have lost my focus like I had lost my paying job.

I had the "I'm Only One Person" Syndrome.
I felt that if I don't find grant money for programs, that nothing good can happen and I can't make a difference.

Then, I re-framed my thoughts. (My favorite thing to do next rationalization)

What can one person do to help a family who is struggling?

One person can (without a lot of money or no money which we sometime have):

  • be a mentor for a child
  • offer support to another parent who is struggling
  • create a blog to support other parents
  • phone a friend who has tough kids and say I appreciate what you do
  • operate a web site to help others
  • bring a meal to a sick friend
  • offer respite for a family who needs a break (even an hour makes a difference!)
  • pray for another who needs help
  • join a list serve and share ideas
  • call a church, school, government center to ring some bells on 09.09
  • get a little assembly together on your county courthouse on 09.09 to talk about FASD
  • hold a pregnant pause event at a local restaurant, hotel or bar
  • send an encouraging email to one, or all on your email list
  • write a book!
  • invite a few girlfriends out for coffee and relax!
  • read our articles on
  • join a disccussion, ask a question, post a great idea to help professionals and parents of complex kids and intense adults at
  • write a review for an author who raises tough kids - your input really counts
  • HAVE FUN FUN FUN - pay attention to the little miracles every day
  • start a 501c3 (then you add a few board members and maybe get a grant)
These are things that don't need a grant.
These are things that make an actual difference in another's life, without costing any money.

I have noticed, though, that I receive much more in return than the effort I gave out.

What else can one person do to help another?? Any ideas we would love your comments.

Deb Fjeld and Jodee Kulp

Look what three parents with a single idea pulled off ten years ag0 and it is still continuing to ring our warnings.

FASDay 1999 began in Auckland, New Zealand, where "Minute of Reflection" bells rang at 9:09 a.m., at Mt. Albert Methodist church. Then it moved to Adelaide, Australia, and then to South Africa, where at 9:09 a.m., Cape Town volunteers gathered to hear the War Memorial Carillon that rang when Nelson Mandela was released from prison. Volunteers in Italy, Germany and Sweden held events -- and then FAS Day crossed the Atlantic. Volunteers staged events and bells and carillons rang across Canada and the U.S. The westernmost activity was the community breakfast on the tiny island of Kitkatla, B.C., near the Queen Charlotte Islands, where the village bell rang at 9:09 a.m. followed by prayers in the native tongue by village elders. We missed a few international time zones.

We did it all on $100 in donations, plus thousands of hours of volunteer labor.

It was a labor of love and passionate commitment. We generated as much media attention as a million-dollar public relations campaign, and we made many new friends and supporters in the process. Many women of childbearing age learned for the first time that no amount of alcohol in pregnancy is safe.

All of us knew that in one magic minute, we really did begin to change the world.

Yeah, but...
What can one person do to fight FASD?"

You'd be surprised -- if he or she is working with a world community of people equally committed to eliminating this tragic and totally preventable disorder!

Friday, August 17, 2012

#23 Days To FASDay - Host a drop in event

So easy....

Host your own drop in event.

offer coffee and cookies on FASD Awareness Day
Simply send out an invite to your clients, friends and family.

Sample Invitation

FASD Awareness Day -
Owen Sound Drop In Event
September 09

Organization: Children's Aid Society
Wednesday, September 9

Children's Aid Society
1290 3rd Ave E,
Owen Sound

2:00 - 4:30 pm

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is the most common birth defect in the industrialized world causing permanent damage to the developing brain of one in every one hundred babies born in North America.Join us for this drop-in event, which will include refreshments, networking, education, awareness, and advocacy for those with FASD.

For more information contact:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

#24 Days To FASDay - Listen to persons with FASD

Listen to persons who have fetal alcohol - they have insight we can all use.

This is John Kellerman's speech given on 09.09.09
Great job John!

My name is John Kellerman.I’m the drummer in the band at the 9:30 service at St. Paul’s church. I love playing the drums. That is one thing that is easy for me.

But many things are difficult for me, because I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.I have a hard time making friends. I don’t always remember social rules and I can be inappropriate sometimes, especially when my mom is not around.

The hard thing about having FAS is that sometimes I act like a little kid, sometimes I act like a teenager, and sometimes I act like an adult. The really hard part is that I can never control or predict what level I will be at any time.

That’s kind of scary for me, because I know what the rules are, I know I can get into trouble, but I break the rules anyway, like I’m on a train with no engineer and the brakes don’t work.

I depend on other people to help me stay on the right track. My mom helps me by making sure I am safe all the time, and by teaching me what is important.

She teaches me to be respectful, to ask for help, and to communicate my needs.She teaches me about the dangers of alcohol. She says we can celebrate without drinking, and we can have fun without alcohol. And that nobody ever died from not drinking!

Happy FASD Awareness Day, everyone!

(Watch Johnny’s speech on YouTube: )


$3.00 Off "EACH BOOK!" Coupon  

Direct links provided for discount - Just add coupon code 3579462 to order - you can simply click special link for each book provided below. Any reviews or comments on our books are appreciated. Happy September 9 - for larger quantity please email and I can get you a deal.

NEW! 3rd Revision Our FAScinating Journey -Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of Prenatal Brain Injury - (2012)

The Whitest Wall (2012) - A Mystery novel

Braided Cord (2010) - Liz's adult transition with FASD

Online Manual -
Seminar - Or try our easy, effective, exciting 1½ hour program that walks you
 through the morning of Sept.9: 
(material from 2002 has excellent ideas)

Follow us through the next 60 days and plan your local or personal project to build awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder - Each One Can Reach One!

Need family support visit
Need ideas for adults living with challenges of FASD visit
Need information on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders visit
Interested in service dog for FASD visit

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

#25 Days To FASDay - Information table

FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)
Information Table

You may want to have an information table, which can include the FAS Knot, a cash box for donations, and relevant local material.
  • Correctional Service Canada has produced a well-written research report, “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Implications for Correctional Service” which is applicable to most English-speaking countries, and is also available in French. It’s available, free, in bulk, from the Research Branch, Correctional Service of Canada, 340 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa, ON K1A 0P9, or phone Tina Bada at (613) 996-5222, fax (613)996-2867,
    It is full of facts and figures about FAS/FAE, relating to the lifespan of the affected individual, and includes recommendations for changes in the criminal justice system, taking into account the needs and disabilities of offenders with fetal alcohol disorders. This report would be particularly useful for members of the media who would like more information on the secondary disabilities of people with FAS, which make them susceptible to getting in trouble with the law.
  • Your committee might consider making various petitions available, and Bonnie Buxton can suggest a number which might be appropriate.
  • We particularly like a “declaration” for men to fill out, promising to support their wives, partners, sisters, daughters, and friends in sobriety when pregnant. This declaration was developed by the Lakeland FAS Committee, in northern Alberta, Canada. The complete petition form can be downloaded at
Encourange Partner Declarations
The partner declaration, in the form of a petition, reads:

“I am aware that alcohol exposure during pregnancy may cause irreversible brain damage to the baby, therefore, I declare that I will support and encourage my partner, friends and family members to be alcohol free during pregnancy.”

FAS fact sheet and educational handouts
There is a file called FASdisk that can be downloaded in its entirety or just selected documents. The FASdisk can be found at

Suggested documents include:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

#26 Days To FASDay - Free FASD videos

Special thank you to our New York team of Advocates who prepared this video and to all the children, teens and adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) who offered their pictures to put a FACE on FAS.

Help us "Raise The Standard" for our next generation!

Person First Language from MOFAS - 
this will help you promote awareness honorably to all

Not only must we walk the walk - we must talk the talk.
Yes, person first language takes more space to write and more time to say, but the end result allows for respect in honoring the strengths and abilities of another person.

Watch the MOFAS tutorial and give it a go for all your FASD presentations.

Use Teresa Kellerman's video
in your presentations on Fetal Alcohol to build awareness.
This is worth watching - very short

Want the facts about alcohol use during pregnancy?
Here they are.
All sources are cited at end of video.
More information available here:

More videos you can use from YouTube
(search FASD or fetal alcohol on You Tube to review - NOFAS has an excellent new series)

Recovering Hope is an intimate and evocative video about the mothers and families of children who are affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The video, created for viewing by women in recovery and their counselors, is divided into to half-hour episodes to allow time for discussion within a treatment session.

Eight women tell poignant, memorable stories. They speak out about how alcohol use during pregnancy affected their children, how they are learning effective new ways to parent, and how they are recovering hope for the future. Six researchers and clinicians support these stories by explaining the physical, mental, behavioral and learning disabilities associated with FASD and discussing evaluation and intervention services

Need a speaker? Check out the Resource Directory for US speakers

Online Manual -
Seminar - Or try our easy, effective, exciting 1½ hour program that walks you
 through the morning of Sept.9: 
(material from 2002 has excellent ideas)

Follow us through the next 60 days and plan your local or personal project to build awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder - Each One Can Reach One!

Need family support visit
Need ideas for adults living with challenges of FASD visit
Need information on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders visit
Interested in service dog for FASD visit