
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Shoutin' Out About the Realities of Fetal Alcohol

I am so proud of my A-Team who worked super hard all day shouting out about the realities of FASD in the life of adults living with these challenges.

We passed out 100  - 049 MOFAS chapsticks - got lots of commitments for Baby Showers and Sobriety Pledges, met a great group of men really interested in making a difference in supporting women, talked with a restaurant interested in hosting Baby Showers for 049 in 2013 - and hundreds of other wonderful people.

Great job A-Team! See ya'll tomorrow at the Minneapolis Convention Center Health Life Expo...

Want to join us... You can come FREE --- just bring something for the food shelf!!!

Minneapolis Healthy Life Expo to Build Better Baby Brains

 Introducing our new program for 2013 call Live Abilities for adults with hidden differences. Stay tuned!

Liz, Sam and I will head out soon for the Healthy Life Expo. Our booth placement is next to the STAGE at the Minneaplis Convention Center and it couldn't be better. We look forward to introducing people to FASD and supporting MOFAS in their 049 Pregnant Pause. Hoping to help future baby brains.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Free Tickets for Minneapolis Healthy Life Expo This Weekend

Adults living with the challenges of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder have joined forces to speak out and share with the public!

Come see our booth this weekend for FREE!

We need volunteers for a PREGNANCY PAUSE!!!!

JAN 12-13, 2013 ~ Healthy LIFE EXPO™
Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday 10am to 5pm
Minneapolis Convention Center Ballroom - 1302 2nd St - Minneapolis, MN - 55403

Nutrition, Fitness, and Longevity - It's all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors offering everything for health, balance and success in all areas of life. 3 - Stages of on-going speaker presentations, demonstrations and live entertainment. Product sampling, hourly drawings and free health information. The Smart place to get the free tips information to start living a healthier life. See the latest in men’s & women’s health, weight loss, living well, health services, and much more! Seminars, product demonstrations, entertainment, and great shopping all weekend long!

This will be the FIRST time they have featured FASD and it will be the kick off for our ADULTS living with these life challenges to reach out to the public!!!! We're making noise! Want to volunteer at our booth - COME JOIN US!