
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day - Possibilities for FASD

Happy Independence Day to a courageous and wonderful daughter may the dreams of your heart and mind be realized.

Liz wrote the poem below in 2008 and in 2012 she truly is independent and come to terms with life with the challenges of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Today is not independence day, but someday it may be true.
The only person I want to be committed, God, is to you.
Alcohol stole my being, before I was even born
Alcohol took my heart and mind, before the early morn
Alcohol stole my first mother, and my father at her side
Alcohol took my young adult self, on a roller coaster ride
I hate what it has taken
Even though it is so true
But we stand united together to fight and not to lose
Thank you God for all you have done!

1 comment:

  1. Liz I am still astounded at the depth of your words - now three years later you continue to prove your dreams can come true - Much love - Mom


Thank you for your comments. Jodee