
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I have a dream. . . .

That one day little children will not be born with brain damage because of the alcohol they were fed before they were even borm.

I have a dream. . .
That one day persons with inivisible disabilities will not be treated second-class citizens, but will be able to participate in their local communities accepted in their differences

I have a dream. . .
That one day predators and persecutors will not additionally victimize persons with fetal alcohol. That people will realize it is no joke. That the day - to - day struggle is real and cannot be kissed away, or bandaged or ignored.

I have a dream . . .
That one day we will see all people as mattering.

As my young adult daughter says so profoundly, "You can't be handicapped if you are born like that. You just are."

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