
Thursday, August 2, 2012

#38 Days To FASDay - FASDay Guide

Easy FASDAY Guide

A. Agenda for the FAS Day Breakfast Premiere

We have mapped out a simple, informal breakfast premiere for any size group, which begins at 8:45 a.m. on September 9, and lasts between 1 ½ - 2 hours. It includes some of the suggestions in the longer “How-to-do FAS Day Manual,” which you can find on the Internet at 

Your event should begin promptly at 8:50 a.m.,
so we suggest you invite your guests for 8:45.

Suggested agenda:
8:50 a.m. Opening Remarks
8:55 a.m. Reading of local FAS Day proclamation
9:00 a.m. Reading of ecumenical Invocation (optional)
9:09 a.m. “Minute of Reflection.”

Your group may want to participate in the International Bell Concordance, linking up with others who will be ringing bells, chimes and carillons nine times at 9:09 a.m. in time zones around the world. Or you may want a poem, prayer, song, or just a minute of simple silence.

9:10 a.m. Refreshments.

Participants serve themselves a drink and a snack at an informal buffet table, then...
9:20 a.m. Video Premiere.
Sit down to watch the new video. (Popcorn optional.)

Following video: brief washroom break.

9:50 a.m. Presentation.

Informal speaker or speakers plus (optional) brief musical entertainment – such as a local children’s choir or local musician – OR panel discussion.

Download these Presentation Notes prepared by Teresa Kellerman.

10:30 a.m. Poem. Program closes with reading of a brief poem, “The Integrity of Hope,” by Michael Kami, possibly by a birth mother or survivor of FAS. (Optional)

B. Buying the Videos
  • To obtain the 24-min. Canadian video, Different Directions: Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, check in with Pat Spadetto of Ontario’s North for the Children, $50 includes shipping and handling. The video will be provided free to all Ontario CAPC and Aboriginal Head Start sites. This honest and inspiring video looks at two children with FAS -- one five-year-old girl, and one young adult man -- and their remarkable mothers, one a birth mother, and one an adoptive mom. Pat can be reached by email: or by phone: Kirkland Lake (705) 567-5926, fax (705) 567-2466.
  • The 35-min. U.S. video is available for only $20 (US Dollars) plus $5 S&H. This video now comes with a free set of handouts and a free 8½ x 11 color glossy poster "101 Reasons" as seen here: The video can be ordered here:
  • For a double whammy, why not show BOTH videos?
  • If you want to join up online with international FAS Day activists, visit and join the FASDAY mail list.
c. CHECKLIST (download here)

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