
Saturday, July 14, 2012

#57 Days To FASDay - Pick a reporter


Pick a Reporter!

Next time you read the local newspaper, pay attention to which reporters write about personal interest stories.

Choose a reporter who seems to be sensitive to special family or children's issues, who will do a respectful interview with a family or spokesperson. This spokesperson doesn't have to be you, but it could be! We'll walk you through it - piece of cake.

Write down the name of the reporter and find out the phone number and address of the newspaper. Later you are going to ask for an appointment and give them a press release.

Would you like to conduct a 5-minute radio interview on your favorite radio station?
Here is an interview script for you and a radio person or you can just read this one-person script.

Before contacting the media, it might be helpful to go over these suggestions from FASDAY veterans, Teresa Kellerman and Brian Philcox.

Also consider Blogs, Facebook, Google Plus, Radio, TV, local news, church bulletins, community events calendars.


Hi Everyone,
On a whim, the other night I thought I would try to get FASD Day put on the website of an international Christian Radio station-KLOVE's- community calender.

I never really thought they would approve it because it wasn't an actual "event" that I have here in BG, and they requested specific information on the form that I couldn't really give.
But they did approve it- now all of the millions of people who look at their site will know about FASD day. And they might put it on their radio station. Its kind of a grab bag what events they promote on the air- but I'm excited.

Locally we don't have specific plans yet to my knowledge, but I thought this was a great way to spread the word.

Take care,

We hope that your event is successful and that God will bless it!
~ Your friends at

International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day
Main Street, City, State ZIP
Join us for (this is your idea)
Time (9:09 suggested but it can be anytime)

This day is set aside each year internationally to raise awareness on the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. September 9, was chosen to represent 9 months of no alcohol. The above website describes the first FASD day and how it turned into an international awareness day event.
Event Website:


Online Manual -
Seminar - Or try our easy, effective, exciting 1½ hour program that walks you
 through the morning of Sept.9: 
(material from 2002 has excellent ideas)

Follow us through the next 60 days and plan your local or personal project to build awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder - Each One Can Reach One!

Need family support visit
Need ideas for adults living with challenges of FASD visit
Need information on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders visit
Interested in service dog for FASD visit

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