If a dog can do it so can we!
Each one of us can reach a new person this coming year. For those of us who live with the realities of FASD, it is our job to share this knowledge.
Last year we asked...
Could we use the woof of a dog to build FASD awareness?
So Chancer, Iyal Winokur's service dog woofed in ...
- The New York Times (February 2012) Wonder Dog - A golden retriever reaches a raging boy by Melissa Fay Greene
- Readers Digest Canada (May 2012-Pages 84-91) Creature Comfort - A golden retriever did what the Winokur family could not—he befriended an soothed their raging son by Melissa Fay Greene
- Guidepost (September 2012) A Dog's Devotion Brings Healing— She had no idea how severe her adopted son's problems would be—or what form the answer to her prayers would take. By
Donnie Kanter Winokur, Roswell, Georgia
- Entro Magazine (June 2012-Pages 24-25) Building Bridges to Success for Children Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
- Adoption Today (October 2012) shhhh.... it's coming!
- Another potential BIG SURPRISE - keep posted to Silent Voices Blog and be the first to know!
How can you take a stand...
- Miss Illinois talked about FASD when she represented Southern Illinois - she is an expert from the inside out
- Karl Kulp told his classmates at his 50th Class Reunion - "The most important thing I have done in my life, that I am the most proud - is raising my daughter who lives with the daily challenges of fetal alcohol into an interdependent adulthood."
If we want to create an "REAL" Economic Stimulus Package - now is the time to begin promoting "Building Better Baby Brains" by Raising the Standard for the Future - Alcohol and Babies don't mix and add to the future cost of education, medical, community and judicial services.
- Church sermon sample http://www.betterendings.org/FASD/christian/sermon.htm Ask your faith leader for an opportunity to speak on Friday, Saturday or Sunday during services.
- Join our virtual Million Mind March to give One Million Babies in the next year the opportunity to develop healthy minds
Call your local radio show and see if you can get on a program to talk about FASD during the next 60 days. You may just open up some minds and save a few baby brain cells.
- www.toolboxparent.com for current articles
- www.thechancerchronicles.com for updates on Chancer
- www.betterendings.org to learn more about our host
My name is Kiah lenae Harcourt and I have FASD I am 14 years old I read about FASD I talked about FASD at my church I love lord of the rings I think I see kids with FASD. My mother and I talk about fasd sometimes I get mad at my self like I want too hurt my self I know some people who seen kids with FASD I just wish hope that women could stop drinking while they are pregnant well that's all thank you I love you 4 and god bless you 4