
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

#5 Days To FASDay - Fetal Alcohol Awareness Month

Write a PSA!
Or use one that already exists -

September is Fetal Alcohol Awareness Month - so share this wonderful PSA with friends - or take a look at some of the other great PSA's online - most of the people working with FASD Awareness willingly share -

This was created by a 2009 high school graduate in a tiny rural KY county - he's got real talent, and I'm so grateful to him for taking the time to do this. Please feel free to pass it on - I want Parker and his fabulous PSA to get a lot of views today!!

Happy FASD Awareness Day from Kentucky!
Laura Nagel

1 comment:

  1. I totally support your efforts to bring awareness to the disabilities that children suffer with FAS.
    Let's work together to make as many people as possible aware of something that is totally preventable.
    We are doing it in our way on our blog, please have a look:


Thank you for your comments. Jodee