Five Heart Smart Steps for Anger Management
Conflict happens to everyone.
For persons with hidden differences these conflicts can be invisible until there are so many that the person explodes. One hurt builds upon another hurt and no one sees it happening. Conflict self-care is an individual responsibility, but how can we manage it before it grows out of control especially if we deal with FASD, ADHD, SID, ASD and all those other silly D's.
Some of the things that may cause hidden conflicts others do not see or understand:
- When I am blamed for something I didn't do, it is easy to immediately go on the defense because I am not able to confidently dance verbally around the reality. I don't know what words to use to protect myself so I go off to keep the person away.
- When someone uses a big voice instead of speaking to me with kindness, I can feel the hard or aggressive tone and when I feel that tone I am triggered. It is different coming from a woman or a man. From a man it is deeper and I may be triggered quicker because I believe at that moment they are being mean and I react to protect myself. I go into defense to defend myself and I do it without thinking I simply react. With a woman when the voice is firm or bratty, it doesn't make my heart jump so I am not on automatic snap, but I may still be rude to give myself time to think about what just happened.
- When plans are quickly changed it is overwhelming and frustrating because I have worked my schedule around the situation, and navigated to get there which can be very difficult on public transportation or relying on another person. I even have to sometimes reschedule my medication times to make an appointment work, so I can be functional at that appointment. I know people without my differences don't understand the extreme rudeness change is for me and how it affects my life.
1. When your heart is upside down - BREATHE first!
- BREATHE deeply into you belly until you can hold no more air think 'I can get through this, I can handle this, I can do this.' (One way is to count in 7 short breaths)
- BREATHE out your feelings of hurt or anger until you have no air left in your lungs and you need to take another breath. Repeat. (One way is to blow out 8 - 1 long breath and the 7 short breaths)
- Do this as many times as you need to... Repeat - repeat - repeat
If breathing is not working -
2. Place your hands together and press hard
PRESS YOUR HANDS TOGETHER HARD (like praying flat hands) AND BREATHE- Continue breathing and press your hands together hard. This is when I say "_______, give me love, peace, joy and understanding."
- RAISE YOUR PRESSED HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD AND BREATHE - This helps the tightness I feel in my shoulders, arms and neck. I continue to I say "_______, give me love, peace, joy and understanding."
- RAISE YOUR PRESSED HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD, MAKE A BIG CIRCLE OUT AND BREATHE - This helps the tightness I feel in my shoulders, arms and neck. I continue to I say "_______, give me love, peace, joy and understanding" or sometimes by this time I can simply be quiet....
If I am still overwhelmed -
3. Grasp your hands together and hang on for the ride!
- RAISE YOUR GRASPED HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD AND BREATHE - This helps the tightness I feel in my shoulders, arms and neck. I continue to I say "_______, give me love, peace, joy and understanding. Against such things there is no law." Try to relax your hands as you breathe.
- RAISE YOUR GRASPED HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD, MAKE A BIG CIRCLE OUT AND BREATHE - This helps the tightness I feel in my shoulders, arms and neck. I continue to I say "_______, give me love, peace, joy and understanding. Against such things there is no law." Try to relax your hands as you breathe. Usually by this time I am ready for a walk or thinking time.
Open your new heart -
4. From your praying or grasped hands open your hands into a new heart - now right side up!
- TAKE A MOMENT FOR YOURSELF - Give yourself a pat on the back for stepping through another hard place. Go for a walk, listen to music that is peaceful, look at something in nature that is beautiful to you (clouds, flowers, trees, animals).
Take the next step -
5. Reach out to another person and share your new wisdom.
- IF YOU LEARNED SOMETHING NEW from this experience of riding your anger safely through a cycle let someone you love know what happened, how you managed it, what you plan to do again and what the person can do to help you navigate this if needed.
Do the best that you can.
Each one of us can reach another in kindness and love.
Do something for another today.
Special thank you to POWER PEOPLE
Sam, Liz and David - for their counsel in the development of this program.
Please share in fullness with our connections - 2013 Better Endings New Beginnings
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Great points! This is very useful article.
Anger is one of the most misunderstood and overused of human emotions. Anger is a natural emotion that every human and many non-human animals experience. We need to understand that anger is a reaction to an inner emotion and not a planned action.Anger management is a procedure of acquiring the skills to recognize signs that you are becoming angry, and taking action to deal with the situation in a positive way.