By Jodee Kulp
Our FAScinating Journey – Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of
Prenatal Brain Injury is available at https://www.createspace.com/3579462
The material following has been selected from Our FAScinating Journey to give you beginning
knowledge and ideas for further research in helping children and adults with
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
PROTEINS are the
building blocks of neurotransmitters. It is essential to eat enough protein in balanced amounts with fats and carbohydrates.
The protein needs of each individual vary. Too much protein for some people can restrict ‘brain protein.’ Not enough protein will result in a protein deficit.
There are many sources of protein and protein combinations to provide adequate protein sources. Protein quality determines which
proteins are the best for your body is dependent on the types and amounts of
amino acids that the protein contains and how well your body can digest the
protein, or the protein’s digestibility. Proteins eaten alone on an empty
stomach can pick up dopamine and acetylcholin nuerotransmitters.
Best protein resources
Fresh cold-water fish, low fat cottage cheese, free-range and drug free poultry, eggs, hard cheeses, low fat low lactose yogurt, beans, seeds, nuts, and some fruits and vegetables. (organic and grass fed lean red meat contain rich sources of minerals, protein and B-group vitamins and though costly you may decide is worth the extra money). You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet. Fruits and vegetables with highest protein values include: asparagus, aubergine, brussels sprouts, broccoli, beetroot, spring onion, mushroom, okra, spinach, sweet corn, tomatoes, yams, dried apricots, raisins, avocados, dates (search vegan diet protein sources.)
Fresh cold-water fish, low fat cottage cheese, free-range and drug free poultry, eggs, hard cheeses, low fat low lactose yogurt, beans, seeds, nuts, and some fruits and vegetables. (organic and grass fed lean red meat contain rich sources of minerals, protein and B-group vitamins and though costly you may decide is worth the extra money). You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet. Fruits and vegetables with highest protein values include: asparagus, aubergine, brussels sprouts, broccoli, beetroot, spring onion, mushroom, okra, spinach, sweet corn, tomatoes, yams, dried apricots, raisins, avocados, dates (search vegan diet protein sources.)
CARBOHYDRATES are made from carbon
dioxide and water by green plants in the sunlight. Sugars, starches and fibers
are the most common carbohy-drates. They enhance neurotransmitters. Most people think of carbohydrates as grains and high starch vegetables like
potatoes.Carbohydrates also include lower starch (3%) vegetables like asparagus or fruit
like strawberries or higher starch (20%+) vegetables beans, corn, yams and
potatoes or fruit like bananas, figs and prunes. Lower starch fruits and vegetables release glucose
(sugar) slowly into the bloodstream, as do whole grains and legumes. Potatoes
and rice release glucose quickly causing power surges in some people and then a
let down. If glucose levels fluctuate, mental confusion and dizziness may
Slowest releasing vegetables
asparagus, bean sprouts, beet
greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, cucumber, endive,
lettuce, mustard greens, radishes, spinach and watercress.
Slowest releasing fruits
cantaloupe, rhubarb, strawberries, watermelon, melons and tomatoes.
cantaloupe, rhubarb, strawberries, watermelon, melons and tomatoes.
beans (string), beets, brussels sprouts, chives, collards, dandelion greens, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, okra, onions, parsley, peppers (red), pimento, pumpkin, rutabagas, turnips.
beans (string), beets, brussels sprouts, chives, collards, dandelion greens, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, okra, onions, parsley, peppers (red), pimento, pumpkin, rutabagas, turnips.
apricots, blackberries, cranberries, grapefruit, guava, melons, lemons, limes, oranges, papaya, peaches, plums, raspberries, tangerines, kiwis.
apricots, blackberries, cranberries, grapefruit, guava, melons, lemons, limes, oranges, papaya, peaches, plums, raspberries, tangerines, kiwis.
Enzymes are chemical
catalysts that are needed to change chemicals into organs, cells and hormones.
They are manufactured in the body from amino acids, plus vitamins and minerals. Without a particular enzyme, any one of
thousands of chemical changes needed in the body won’t operate. You need a balance of protein, vitamins and minerals to continue to manufacture enzymes.
For example,
take an elderly woman eating only white bread and tea for each meal or a teen
eating only junkfood and sodas.
Each day they are using up protein already in the body to rebuild cells. They are
not adding any protein to the diet nor getting any real vitamins and minerals. Even if they suddenly start eating steak, milk
and eggs poor nutrition leads to poorer nutrition their body has stopped producing ‘protease’ the
enzyme needed to break down protein, lactase the enzyme to break down lactose,
phosphatase to breakdown calcium and galactase to breakdown glacactase. In
other words, she can no longer digest and utilize this food with higher nutritional
enzyme supplementation can help kick start enzyme production, but it takes
the building blocks of protein. There are over 20 different amino acids found in
animals and humans. The term essential amino acid refers to the amino acids
that your body cannot make. Because your body cannot make these amino acids,
they must be consumed in the diet, thus making them essential. There are nine
essential amino acids.
ANTIOXIDANTS Help to clean the brain.
These are foods that produce healthy chemicals that clean the brain from free
radicals that cause cell deterioration. They act like a rust cleaner that keeps
rust off brain matter. Vitamin E and C, beta carotene, lipoic acid, coenzyme
Q10, grapeseed and pinebark extract are antioxidants.
Blueberries, strawberries,
cooked kale, raisins, raspberries, apples, grapes, cherries, prunes,
blackberries, garlic and raw spinach. Mangoes and sweet potatoes contain high
levels of vitamin E and C, plus beta carotene.
GRAPE SEED Has 20 times the antioxidant activity of vitamin C and 50 times that of
vitamin E. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and can stay in the blood
stream for up to 72 hours. Few other antioxidants cross this barrier and none
do it as well.
MULTI-VITAMIN Insure your child’s vitamin
and mineral intake with a high quality daily multi-vitamin. Liz takes an
intensive care, easy absorbable multi. Her vitamin is designed to include high
levels of B vitamins, vitamins E, C, folic acid and selenium.
Research studies now show a strong correlation between
aggressive behavior in children and deficiencies in nutrients such as niacin,
pantothenic acid, thiamin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, magnesium and
tryptophan. Before changing your child’s medications, try a daily
multi-vitamin, one preferably without artificial colorings.
B VITAMINS: Essential for cognitive
function, helps to improve memory and assists in brain development. Prenatal
exposure, encephalitis, stroke, prolonged drinking or vitamin B deficiency can cause damage to the hippocampus and
thalamus. The effect may be good recall of past and normal short
term memories, but they are unable to recall what they had for breakfast, last
hours class notes or what spelling words they had just learned. Their procedural
memory seems unaffected and the person may become steadily more competent and
faster at performing a task, even though they do not remember ever doing it.
Changes carbohydrates to glucose then into energy or fat and
helps to provide energy to the brain, heart and central nervous system. It
helps prevent nervous irritability; necessary for a good appetite.
whole grain, nuts, legumes,
yeast, liver, beans, peas, soy products, fish, and pork.
B2 Riboflavin Transports hydrogen; is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; helps keep the skin
and eyes in a healthy condition.
lean meats, nuts,. liver,
brewers yeast, leafy green vegetables, whole grain cereal, cheese, fish, eggs,
B3 Niacin
Needed to convert food into energy,
maintains normal functions of the skin, nerve tissue and digestive system. Can
help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Reduces allergic reactions and
supports sugar metabolism.
resources fortified cereals,
breads and grain products, meats, fish, poultry, nuts, grain products, peanuts
B6 Pyridoxine Essential for brain function and the production of red blood
cells. Aids in the immune system. Essential to protein, amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism. This is
found in most foods naturally but a problem may be in the malabsorbtion.
resources yeast, liver,
crabmeat, brown rice, meat, fish, wheat bran, germ and grains, vegetables,
white and sweet potatoes, eggs, poultry, bananas
B12 Cyanocobalamin
Helps to build and maintain the
central nervous system. Important in the production of dopamine (energy) and serotonin (well-being). Necessary for production of red
blood cells and normal growth.
clams, shellfish, meat, eggs,
green vegetables, orange juice, yogurt, cheese, eggs, milk, fortified breakfast
FOLATE (FOLIC ACID) Necessary for the production of RNA and DNA (the building blocks of cells) and normal red blood cells. Helps to lower homo cysteine
levels and prevents some birth defects. Helps relieve depression.
Fortified rice; pasta,
breads, cereals, and grains, poultry, lentils and beans, green leafy
vegetables, avocados, papayas.
VITAMIN C Ascorbic Acid Protects against infection, assists in healing, helps
maintain strength and elasticity of blood vessels. Enhances iron absorption. It
is so important to the brain that it is found in concentrations of 15 to 100
times higher than elsewhere in the body. It is one of the most active and
abundant antioxidants in the body. Stress hormones deplete it, since vitamin C
is needed to synthesize them. Water, heat, light, oxygen and cooking all
destroy vitamin C. When cooking steam lightly. Smoking one cigarette destroys
25 mg and aspirin triples the excretion rate of vitamin C.
orange juice, rose hips,
guava, kiwi, black currents, kale, parsley, red peppers, brussel sprouts, broccoli, collards, cabbage, white and
sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, tomatoes, artichokes, swiss chard, strawberries
VITAMIN K Necessary for blood clotting, aids in bone formation,
helps regulate levels of calcium.
Brussel sprouts, kale,
broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, turnip greens
VITAMIN E Protects fatty acids in the
blood stream and improves overall blood circulation including blood to the
brain. It is the primary fat-soluble anti-oxidant in the brain. Heat, oxygen,
freezing and chlorine destroy vitamin E.
seeds, nuts, soybeans, eggs, brown rice, oats, fresh wheat germ, peanut butter, sweet potatoes, mangoes, sunflower oil
seeds, nuts, soybeans, eggs, brown rice, oats, fresh wheat germ, peanut butter, sweet potatoes, mangoes, sunflower oil
CALCIUM necessary for teeth and
bones, where most dietary calcium is found. The rest moves in and out of cells
allowing conduction of impulses between nerves and contraction of muscles. Aids
in heart regulation, blood clotting, muscle contractions and relaxation. Excess
calcium depresses magnesium levels.
cooked bones as in canned salmon or sardines, sesame seeds, tofu, dairy products, yogurt, turnip greens, broccoli, milk, blackstrap molasses, spinach, broccoflower.
cooked bones as in canned salmon or sardines, sesame seeds, tofu, dairy products, yogurt, turnip greens, broccoli, milk, blackstrap molasses, spinach, broccoflower.
CHOLINE research
indicates a mother’s choline intake may influence the development of the memory
center in fetal brains. Helps maintain healthy cellular structure
and functions, plays role in muscle control.
Video (2012): FASD Expert -
Jennifer Thomas on Choline
Jennifer Thomas on Choline
Linus Pauling Institute
eggs, milk, fish, whole grains, liver, iceberg lettuce, cauliflower, peanuts
eggs, milk, fish, whole grains, liver, iceberg lettuce, cauliflower, peanuts
IRON is essential to the
production of red blood cells. Aids in manufacturing amino acids, hormones and neurotransmitters. It strengthens the immune system. An
iron deficiency in babies and children can have significant and permanent effects
on brain development. Iron is a vital component for fueling our bodies,
carrying oxygen to the brain and helping our newborns reach their greatest
potential. Iron is deposited in the brain—it is part of the brain structure and
an essential nutrient for mental development. Newborns have three times the
ratio of iron in their bodies as adults.
Babies have very high iron needs, because they grow so rapidly. Infants
who are iron deficient can suffer from altered behavior, reduced immunity,
slower language, gross and fine motor development, and reduction in IQ. Most babies
are born with enough iron stores to last four to six months. Breastfed babies
rarely lack iron, not because there is a high concentrate of iron in breast
milk, but because the iron in the breast milk is readily absorbable. A US study of nearly 5,400
children 6 to 16 found those who were deficient in iron were more than twice as
likely to score below average on standardized math tests than more well
nourished peers. (Reuters
Health, 2001)
NOTE: Before
using iron, get a blood test. Some of the symptoms of iron deficiency are the
same as iron overdose. In addition, not all iron supplements are the same. Some
are dangerous. Too much iron can make you sick or KILL A CHILD
is showing that children with ‘pica’— eating dirt (geophagia), lead paint, or
ice (pagphagia) often show iron deficiencies. Symptoms of iron deficiency
include listlessness, fatigue, memory deficits, sore tongue, reduced cognition.
organ meat, liver, red meat, poultry, mussels, oysters, tofu, legumes such as lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas, eggs, enriched breads and pasta, nuts.
organ meat, liver, red meat, poultry, mussels, oysters, tofu, legumes such as lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas, eggs, enriched breads and pasta, nuts.
MAGNESIUM Important for bone
development and protein building; necessary for energy production, muscle
relaxation and maintenance of heart health and function. Activates almost all
the key enzymes needed for your neurons to create energy from
glucose. Low levels of magnesium can cause the nerves to fire too easily even
from mild stimuli. This can result in noises sounding too loud, lights too
bright, and emotional reactions on the edge. Magnesium
deficiency in children is characterized by excessive figiting, anxious
restlessness, psychomotor instability and learning difficulties in the presence
of a normal IQ (Magnesium in Health and Disease, Seelig, 1980). Magnesium seems
to absorb better in combination with folic acid and vitamins b6 and B12.
nuts, meats, tofu, milk, beans, bananas, apricots, legumes, yogurt, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, avocados, brown rice, carrots, citrus fruits.
nuts, meats, tofu, milk, beans, bananas, apricots, legumes, yogurt, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, avocados, brown rice, carrots, citrus fruits.
SELENIUM Acts as an antioxidant to help protect cells from damaging free
radicals. It works in synergy with vitamin E to protect polyunsaturated fats
from becoming oxidized. It is necessary for thyroid function. Helps with moods.
It is a detoxifier of heavy metals that damage the brain. It binds mercury,
lead, arsenic and cadmium which disrupt brain chemistry.
RICHEST SELENIUM resources Grains, garlic, meats, seafood, tuna,
soybeans, molasses, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, breads, oatmeal, soynuts, pasta,
poultry, shellfish, sunflower seeds, cabbage, celery, mushrooms, onions
ZINC is a component of every
living cell in the body. It is essential for the structure and function of over
50 enzymes. Is needed to maintain proper levels of vitamin E
in the blood. It is important for growth, sperm production, night vision, appetite,
sense of taste and smell, immune system functioning and wound healing. Zinc deficiency may make children
irritable, tearful, sullen and have gaze aversion (Moyhahan, Zinc Deficiency
and Disturbances of Mood and Behavior. Lancet, 1:91, 1976) Chineses studies with school children show improved
performance in memory, reasoning, perception and eye-hand coordination with
additional zinc intake. Beef and lamb have a high zinc content especially in
kidneys and liver meats.
oysters, seafood, red meats, poultry, nuts, whole grain breads and cereals, tofu, eggs, milk.
oysters, seafood, red meats, poultry, nuts, whole grain breads and cereals, tofu, eggs, milk.
Netherlands at Nutrition_for_FASD@yahoogroups.com
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