
Sunday, September 9, 2012


Can't do anything ---- Sure you can!
Send this message on your mobile

This message will save a baby's life!!!
Alcohol use during pregnancy can cause brain damage, birth defects, premature birth, and death.
Prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders -
Pass this on to 10 people.

And if you can't do that "Each one can reach one" tell one other person about FASD.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

#1 Day to FASDAY - Join the Ringtone Rally

FASD Day - Ringtone Rally!

From the Incredible Thinktank 

of Teresa Kellerman

Okay, everyone, here's my idea for FASD Day 2012:

We are going to ring people's mobile phones with a FASD Day text message. Send the message (my next email) to as many people as you want.

What, you don't text? Me neither. So I will be sending this message by email, and I will put it on my facebook page. Look for me, my facebook id is... fasstar (of course!)

The web link on the text message goes to This is newly designed especially for viewing on mobile devices. There are links there to an awareness video (from NOFAS), a slide show (from our friends in NY), the FASDay site, and my main info web site.

You can wait until FASD Awareness Day on Sept. 9th and do your texting that day, or you can go ahead and START RIGHT NOW. Because, as I always say, EVERY DAY is FASD Awareness Day! So go text everyone, email everyond, fb everyone, telephone everyone. Heck, you can even raise awareness the old-fashioned way and tell people face to face about what alcohol can do to the developing baby. You never know when the message will be shared with someone that will save a baby's life, or maybe an entire generation of babies!
Woohoo! Let's do it!

Friday, September 7, 2012

#2 Days To FASDay - Last Minute Links

A special thank you to the international FASD awareness team...

Thank you for making a difference.

Begin celebrating this weekend as you build FASD Awareness.

VISIT for some final ideas - Teresa Kellerman has been busy!

Thank you for following these 60 days of ideas. We hope we have offered support to make your International FASDay a success.

Jodee and Liz Kulp

Online Manual -
Seminar - Or try our easy, effective, exciting 1½ hour program that walks you
 through the morning of Sept.9: 
(material from 2002 has excellent ideas)

Follow us through the next 60 days and plan your local or personal project to build awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder - Each One Can Reach One!

Need family support visit
Need ideas for adults living with challenges of FASD visit
Need information on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders visit
Interested in service dog for FASD visit

Thursday, September 6, 2012

#3 Days To FASDay - Dog takes a stand on fetal alcohol

If a dog can do it so can we!

Each one of us can reach a new person this coming year. For those of us who live with the realities of FASD, it is our job to share this knowledge. 

Last year we asked...

Could we use the woof of a dog to build FASD awareness?

So Chancer, Iyal Winokur's service dog woofed in ...

  • The New York Times (February 2012) Wonder Dog - A golden retriever reaches a raging boy by Melissa Fay Greene
  • Readers Digest Canada (May 2012-Pages 84-91) Creature Comfort - A golden retriever did what the Winokur family could not—he befriended an soothed their raging son by Melissa Fay Greene
  • Guidepost (September 2012)  A Dog's Devotion Brings Healing— She had no idea how severe her adopted son's problems would be—or what form the answer to her prayers would take. By Donnie Kanter Winokur, Roswell, Georgia
  • Entro Magazine (June 2012-Pages 24-25) Building Bridges to Success for Children Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
  • Adoption Today (October 2012) shhhh.... it's coming! 
  • Another potential BIG SURPRISE - keep posted to Silent Voices Blog and be the first to know!

How can you take a stand...
  • Miss Illinois talked about FASD when she represented Southern Illinois - she is an expert from the inside out
  • Karl Kulp told his classmates at his 50th Class Reunion - "The most important thing I have done in my life, that I am the most proud - is raising my daughter who lives with the daily challenges of fetal alcohol into an interdependent adulthood." 
Stand up in your congregation this weekend! And share your story!

If we want to create an "REAL" Economic Stimulus Package - now is the time to begin promoting "Building Better Baby Brains" by Raising the Standard for the Future - Alcohol and Babies don't mix and add to the future cost of education, medical, community and judicial services.
  • Join our virtual Million Mind March to give One Million Babies in the next year the opportunity to develop healthy minds
Participate in a Local Radio Show and Get Your Events Talked About
Call your local radio show and see if you can get on a program to talk about FASD during the next 60 days. You may just open up some minds and save a few baby brain cells.
Step out, speak out, get out and make some friendly noise to build awareness of FASD - fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

#4 Days To FASDay - FREE STUFF Be a poster poster

Become a Poster Poster!


Get your school involved this month... involve your health teachers... high schoolers give a presentations to your elementary and middle schools -

Print out some FREE - FASD Awareness posters and hang them up on local bulletin boards, at the store, the laundromat, churches, universities, etc. You might even get your local schools to post them.

"Little One" everybody's favorite poster

NOFAS Posters and Brochures

If you print these out yourself on photo paper at "best" resolution on your color printer they will have a high quality appearance. You can have large posters printed for just a few dollars at your local print or copy shop. Even one may be seen by hundreds of people.


Click book to purchase and use $3.00 coupon code Direct links provided for discount - Just add coupon code JZLZLVT2 to order Nuzzle, My Invisible World, Braided Cord, Whitest Wall or Our FAScinating Journey - you can simply click special link for each book provided below. Any reviews or comments on our books are appreciated. Happy September 9 - for larger quantity please message me and I can get you a deal.

PLUS THIS IS FREE E-CURRICULUM FOR Elementary Schools From Chancer!!!!!

Speaking, workshops or wholesale books contact: or

$3.00 Gift for each book from the Kulp and Winokur Families to build awareness this month. Additional or classroom quantities please contact us:

NEW! 3rd Revision Our FAScinating Journey -Keys to Brain Potential Along the Path of Prenatal Brain Injury - (2012)

The Whitest Wall (2012) - A Mystery novel

Braided Cord (2010) - Liz's adult transition with FASD

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

#5 Days To FASDay - Fetal Alcohol Awareness Month

Write a PSA!
Or use one that already exists -

September is Fetal Alcohol Awareness Month - so share this wonderful PSA with friends - or take a look at some of the other great PSA's online - most of the people working with FASD Awareness willingly share -

This was created by a 2009 high school graduate in a tiny rural KY county - he's got real talent, and I'm so grateful to him for taking the time to do this. Please feel free to pass it on - I want Parker and his fabulous PSA to get a lot of views today!!

Happy FASD Awareness Day from Kentucky!
Laura Nagel

Monday, September 3, 2012

#6 Days to FASDay - I have a dream. . . .

I have a dream....

That one day little children will not be born with brain damage because of the alcohol they were fed before they were even borm.

I have a dream. . .

That one day persons with inivisible disabilities will not be treated second-class citizens, but will be able to participate in their local communities accepted in their differences

I have a dream. . .

That one day predators and persecutors will not addionally victimize persons with fetal alcohol. That people will realize it is no joke. That the day - to - day struggle is real and cannot be kissed away, or bandaged or ignored.

I have a dream . . .

That one day we will see all people as mattering.

As my young adult daughter says so profoundly, "You can't be handicapped if you are born like that. You just are."

Sunday, September 2, 2012

#7 Days To FASDay - You only need one minute

More Ideas for Minute of Reflection

Everyone participating in FAS Day is invited to share in the "Minute of Reflection" 9:09 a.m. on September 9, as it goes around the world.

In this magical moment the ninth minute of the ninth hour of the ninth day of the ninth month we want to get out the message that in the nine months of pregnancy, while breastfeeding or planning to conceive, women should not drink alcohol.
In this minute, we also want the world to remember those millions of people around the world who are living with fetal alcohol disorders. If a large bell or carillon is not accessible or appropriate, participants can do many things to observe that special minute in accordance with their own cultural background or religious beliefs.

The Minute of Reflection symbolizes the worldwide circle of community which links all of us who care about FASD, all of us who are working towards prevention, all of us who are trying to help children and adults with fetal alcohol disorders reach their full potential. Here are nine more suggestions for observing the Minute of Reflection. If you have other ideas, please share them with us.
  • Alone or with others, sit outside quietly and listen to the birds, or the wind blowing through the trees, or water lapping against the shore of a river or lake. You may want to focus on the wonderful gifts and strengths of the person(s) with FASD in your life.
  • Say a prayer or recite a poem appropriate to your beliefs or culture.
  • Sing a song or hymn.
  • Listen to an excerpt of your favorite music. (Any suggestions?)
  • Play a musical instrument, alone, or with fellow musicians, or ring tiny bells and "triangles" as the children of Queen of Apostles School, Toledo, OH did at 9:09 a.m. on September 9, 1999.
  • Sit in a circle and share some pure spring water with people you care about.
  • Place a long-distance phone call to a special friend who is equally committed to the FASD issue: you could even make it a three-way or teleconference call.
You may find 9:09 a.m. inconvenient and may prefer to mark the Minute of Reflection at 9:09 p.m., and light a candle to symbolize both the flame of your love for individuals living with FASD, and your burning desire to eradicate this preventable birth defect.
Simple silence.
Each person with FASD is different, and those of us who love them respect their differences. Respecting each other while working together is what FASDay is about.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

#8 Days To FASDay - Write a letter to the first lady

How to Write a Letter to 

First Lady Michelle Obama

Dear First Lady Obama
let me tell you about FASD

As part of International FASD Awareness Day, please join us in this easy, free activity to help raise awareness of FASD at the highest levels of our government.

This idea originated with Tami Eller, a member of our local FASD Council.
Cheri Scott, FASD Family Support Project
Stone Soup Group

If you would like to write a letter to First Lady Michelle Obama there are certain steps you need to follow. While you may feel comfortable writing letters to your friends and family this letter needs to be formal and concise. Please follow these steps to correctly send the First Lady a letter.


Dear First Lady Michelle Obama...

Let me tell you about FASD...

International FASD Awareness Day Letter Writing Campaign

Did you know that First Lady Obama reads 10 letters each night written by everyday Americans?
Imagine if every letter the President read was written by someone whose life is impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
If everyone affected by FASD writes to the First Lady prior to 9/9 then the probability of her opening even one letter regarding FASD is incredible.
The more letters, the higher the probability that all ten letters she reads will be written by those affected by FASD.
  • Are you a parent of a child with FASD, are you an adult with FASD?
  • Does your sibling have FASD?
  • Do you teach a child or an adult with FASD?
  • Are you a grandparent of a child with FASD?
For everyone person born affected by prenatal exposure to alcohol, everyone who loves that individual lives are also affected.

Join us in educating our First Lady regarding the most prevalent of all birth defects: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

Join us in asking our First Lady to ring a bell at 9:09 am on September 9, 2009 to recognize the importance of Nine Months of an Alcohol Free Pregnancy.

Tell your story of how Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders have affected yourself and those you love.

Send First Lady Obama a letter to at:
First Lady Michelle Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Send First Lady Obama an email by filling out the form at:

Talking Points

* The Facts:
* Fetal alcohol exposure is an international and national crisis
* Prenatal exposure to alcohol causes permanent brain damage
* Prenatal exposure to alcohol is the leading cause of mental retardation
* Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are 100% and easily preventable - simply no alcohol consumption during pregnancy
* Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are a life long disability - from cradle to grave
* More babies are born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders than Autism Spectrum Disorders or Downs Syndrome
* There is no safe amount of alcohol to drink during pregnancy
* It is estimated that more than half of the prison population is affected by FASD
* Prenatal exposure to alcohol costs the United States millions of dollars a year to provide services to individuals affected by a FASD
* Early identification and intervention has huge impacts on the reduction of mental health concerns and behaviors resulting in legal intervention
* Even with early identification and intervention,individuals with a FASD will need to lifelong supports
* The Daily Realities of Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

As a Parent:
* Struggles with you have raising your child with FASD
* Struggles you have explaining the invisible brain damage to others who deal with your child
* Struggle finding appropriate services for your child
* The lesson you have learned in your journey of raising a child affected by FASD
* Your dreams for your child

As an Adult affected by FASD
* Struggles you had to overcome in your lifetime
* Strengths and talents you have
* Accommodations that enable you to be successful

As a Profession working with individuals affected by FASD
* What systematically is working for your clients
* What systematically is not working for your clients
* Struggles your clients face on a daily basis
* Struggles you face on a daily basis in obtaining resources for your clients
* What resources are necessary for your clients to be successful
* What needs to happen
* Proclamation by the President of the United States recognizing September 9th as International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day and the importance of abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy
* Ask him to ring a bell at 9:09 am on September 9 in recognition of the individuals affected by FASD.
* Diagnostic teams in all 50 states to facilitate and identify early diagnosis and intervention
* More resources toward prevention and early intervention